We are LERN Herstory because we are tired of only being taught history. This play on words is meant to reflect that there is always more than one side to a story, and so often, because of a lack of information, we are missing a complete picture of our reality.
Thus, the LERN platform has been created to disseminate STEM-related (i.e., Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics) information - not always easily accessible by the public - through the means of storytelling. We see information as a precious asset, and in the present time, it is of the utmost importance that people are enabled to think critically about our circumstances and reality. Storytelling is a way of engaging everyone and making STEM-related information relatable in order for it to be more easily digested. Further, with the idea in mind that STEM is an inclusive and diverse field, it should embody and embrace a myriad of various perspectives in turn, hence the creation of the LERN network and community.
Our hope is that LERN (Legalize Educate Regulate Normalize) is a means by which we can shift the cultural paradigm in which we live. We have been far out of societal equilibrium for far too long, at the cost not just of human civilisation, but of our planet Earth, too. For that reason, we hope you join with us to LERN Herstory.
LERN is an acronym for Legalization, Education, Regulation, and Normalization, but it is not only an acronym, it is also the German imperative for, 'you, learn!'. However, we quickly realized it was insufficient to describe what we're truly trying to achieve with regards to plant medicines. Eventually, we came upon the idea of Liberation, Education, Activism, Research, Normalization, which is perhaps a more full embodiment of our aims. Because liberating nature is truly the motivation behind spreading educational information regarding Cannabis and entheogens in order to destigmatize their use.
We think our peers are more than capable of understanding the intricacies surrounding the cultivation, processing, distribution, consumption, and regulation of these plant medicines, thus our desire to share within and without our community STEM-related information regarding these plants and fungi in order to dispel the many myths in which they are mired is our goal.
Herstory is the complement to history. So much of humankind's understanding of our current reality is built upon a foundation of events written from a biased, single-faceted, myopic perspective. In turn, this has led to the many questioning the credibility of the information presented to them via institutionalized media. That is why here at LERN, we advise our community to do your own research.
This bias is particularly important when considering the implications of our current medical paradigm as well as how other facets of our societal structure are skewed unidirectionally. Much of modern scientific and medical research has been focused on male model organisms; however for instance, there are almost as many cannabinoid receptors in female reproductive system as there are in the human brain. Thus, it is of vital importance to understand this and more when tackling the issue of female health overall as well as reproductive health and well-being. Hence, we hope to lend some insight to these topics as well as overall well-being.
We aim to share stories regarding holistic health and lifestyle with respect to the integration of Cannabis and other entheogens into our herbal repertoires. We hope our community will LERN a great deal of Herstory and eventually feel comfortable sharing their own stories on our platforms as well.